The Nile Ritz Carlton, Cairo
Originally known as the Nile Hilton, ACC completed a major renovation of this 1960’s modernist hotel to transform it into a contemporary luxury hotel for Ritz-Carlton.
The hotel is situated in a prime location in the heart of central Cairo, close to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities and overlooking the Nile River.
The renovation involved reappointing 331 rooms – including 52 suites – across its 13 floors, as well as the Alf Leila W Leila ballroom, an international conference centre equipped with the latest audio-visual technologies, all of the hotel’s restaurants including its specialist food and beverage outlets, VIP lounges and a beauty centre.
Outside are landscaped open spaces and pools adjacent to the Nile.
In July 2016, the hotel was awarded an Award of Merit in the Renovation/Restoration category at the ENR Global Best Project Awards.