Sustainability and Environmental Policy
Arabian Construction Company recognizes the importance of the natural environment and the significance of the ecosystem's sustainability.
Arabian Construction Company recognizes the importance of the natural environment and the significance of the ecosystem’s sustainability.
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidance and framework by which the sustainability and environmental management system is designed and implemented to achieve the objectives.
In all our operations we make a commitment to:
- Carry out activities in a manner consistent with t he principles of ecologically sustainable development and with ACC’s standard operating procedures.
- Prevent pollution and minimize the adverse impacts of our activities on the natural, built and cultural environment.
- Reduce waste through minimization strategies and promote the efficient use of natural resources.
- Promote a sense of awareness amongst staff, subcontractors and suppliers to issues pertaining to sustainability and environmental to create within themselves a feeling of ownership for the natural environment in which they operate.
- Communicate this policy to all staff, subcontractors, suppliers and the public by posting this in the reception areas of our workplaces, on our website and incorporating this in the induction programme for newly hired employees.
- Audit sustainability and environmental performance annually as a minimum.
- Continually improve our sustainability and environmental performance by taking into consideration the audit findings and regularly reviewing our objectives, policy and management systems to ensure it remains effective and relevant.